Meet Mallory
I am a stay at home mama/homeschool teacher of 4 boys (Parker, Jax, Banner & Jett) & a baby girl (Stevie) and a wife to a hard working, small business owning hubby (Under The Son Pest Control)! We are always up to study, play dates, church, Busch Gardens, Target ....aka...We are constantly exposed to all different kinds of germs. After months of many different kinds of sickness flowing through our home (in 2016) being prescribed all kinds of antibiotics, I was over it- sick of seeing my babies sick! I broke down and researched natural, organic remedies to help fight off all the bugs we had been catching! After seeing how much elderberry syrup costs to buy in the store for such a little bottle with way too much added garbage included in it, I decided to start making it for our family on my own! This also allowed me to add ingredients that I found to be beneficial for us and make the recipe much more tasty! 2 out of 6 of us have auto immune diseases and our immune systems need all the boosting they can get! With many trials and errors, I was able to perfect a recipe that our family loved and we started taking it daily and year round!
During an insanely intense flu season, I was laying in bed worrying when the flu would hit our house. That evening, I posted on a local moms page to see if anyone would be interested in purchasing homemade elderberry syrup and the response was amazing and overwhelming. From then we hit the ground running and want to share all the elderberry love!
We are licensed, insured, inspected and cook our product in our own, brand new commercial kitchen! We strive to provide only the best and most delicious products!
Packaged at 13216 SR 54, Odessa, FL 33556
Ingredient benefits:
Elderberry: major cold & flu relief, eases allergies, packed full of bioflavonoids & antioxidants, natural diuretic & laxative, high in vitamin A, etc.
Local honey: allergy relief, supports immune system, helps fight off harmful bacteria, natural energy supplier, suppresses/soothes coughs & sore throats.
Ginger root: supports immune system, provides gut health, alleviates nausea, supports digestion, immune booster, lowers cholesterol, etc.Cinnamon: antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, antiviral, anti inflammatory, helps reduce blood pressure, improves digestion, balances blood sugar, etc.
Rose hip: packed full of vitamin c, antioxidant, strengthens immune system, contains lots of fiber, supports digestion, etc.
Turmeric: anti inflammatory, antibiotic, antiseptic, supports joint & muscle health, supports cardiovascular function, supports natural weight loss, improves digestion, helps heal stomach ulcers, etc.Clove: boosts immune system, protects liver against infection, helps give inflammation & pain relief, helps control blood sugar levels, beneficial in preserving bone density, etc.